Once you understand how a pattern works, and become familiar with the more common crochet stitches, you'll find reading crochet patterns one of the easiest aspects of crochet. Many people, when hearing the word crochet, instantly conjure the image of an elderly woman sitting in a chair, crochet hook held firmly in arthritic fingers as she concocts another table doily.
Yarn companies dye yarn in large batches and there can be slight variations in color between the batches. The fabric itself can be strong and versatile and depending on the variations of colors used, can also create many different beautiful patterns. If you are really struggling, find someone who is more experienced than you and ask them to help.
I ended up at Wal-mart late at night browsing through the craft aisles and inevitably drawn to all the cool yarns. You'll be amazed at how easily and well you pick up the art. Not only is the market stocked with a large variety of crochet magazines, libraries too have a good collection.
The most important thing to remember when starting to crochet is not to get overwhelmed. Crochet pattern e-books are great value and very convenient.
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